ARMADILLO 2004 The 15th annual meeting of our illustrious group will be held at the University of Texas at Arlington on Friday, October 1 and Saturday, October 2, 2004 The invited speaker this year will be Richard Shiffrin who holds the title Distinguished Professor, Luther Dana Waterman Professor, Professor of Psychology, and Professor of Cognitive Science at Indiana University. As you probably know, Rich was just awarded one of APA's Distinguished Scientific Contribution awards. We look forward to hearing from him and interacting with him at Armadillo. Motels and Hotels The following provide a reduced rate for attendees at UTA sponsored events. Call them directly and mention the convention Armadillo at UTA to the hotel clerk and you will be given a reduced conference rate:
Armadillo 2004 - 15th Annual Meeting ARMADILLO-2004 (the 15th annual meeting of our illustrious group) will be held at the on Friday, October 1 and Saturday, October 2, 2004.
Friday, October 1, and ARMADILLO 2004 Tentative Schedule Friday October 1, 2004: 8:00AM onward: Conference Registration: Pick up conference badge. University Center (Hereford Bldg) Second Floor 9AM First Sessions: 12 Noon (Lunch Break)- Your choice) 1:15PM Conference Resumes, Paper Sessions: 4PM Invited Address: Richard Shiffrin, APA 2004 Distinguished Scientific Contribution award winner Richard Shiffrin, Indiana University: "How many processes are there in the mind?"
7PM Dinner: Cacherels
Saturday October 2: Convene in Life Science Building, First Floor 9AM Paper Sessions: 12 Noon: Poster session and Catered Lunch 1:30 PM: Business Meeting 2:15 PM: Paper Sessions:
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