Armadillo 2006 October 20-21, 2006, Texas Tech, Lubbock, TX ....our 16th nearly-annual meeting Armadillo 2006, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas December 2005 update from Bill Maki at Texas Tech re Armadillo 2006... ARMADILLO 2006 As you probably knew last month, ARMADILLO did not meet in 2005. Rest assured -- ARMADILLO did not become road kill. We are alive and well and will meet in October 2006. Here is a preliminary announcement so that you can reserve the dates on your calendar.
The 2006 meeting of the
"Association for Research on Memory, Attention, Decision-making, Intelligence,
Learning, Language, and Organization (of memory, that is)" will be held on the
The meeting will span Friday and Saturday, October 20th and 21st, 2006. As usual, research talks will be scheduled throughout those two days along with one or more poster sessions during breaks and/or early Friday evening. A call for papers will issued next summer. Bob and Elizabeth Bjork (UCLA) will be our invited speakers for the 2006 meeting. Their tentative titles are:
The talks and poster sessions will be in the Merket (alumni) center on the southeast (downtown) corner of the TTU campus. A block of rooms is being held until September 19th, 2006, at the Hawthorn Suites which is just across the street. The conference dinner/cash bar (Friday night) has been tentatively scheduled for the university’s restaurant (which is also just across the street on the top floor of the Bank of America building). If you know of colleagues in your department who did not receive this email, please have them contact Bill Maki (by email to bill.maki.edu) so they can be added to the mailing list. A secure web site is being developed for on-line registration (including processing of a modest registration fee); details will be announced. Meanwhile, general information about the meeting will be posted, as available to the ARMADILLO website here.
Program summary (as of October 16) Friday, October 20
8:00 Registration (coffee/juice/pastries available) 9:00 Welcome 9:15-12:00 Paper Session I (Moderators: Diana Hudson; Sara Girotto) 9:15 Pomerantz 9:40 Smith 10:05 Pierce 10:30 Break 10:45 Gorfein 11:10 Francis 11:35 Larsen 12:00 - 1:20 Lunch (on your own) 1:20 - 3:00 Paper Session II (Moderator: Erin Buchanan) 1:20 Gronlund 1:45 Hahn 2:10 Bartlett 2:35 Hertel 3:00 - 4:00 Poster Session I (refreshments available) Arduengo, Brunt, Buchanan, Dailey, Hollingsworth, Nadeem, Taraban, Terrell, Wang, Weigold 4:00 - 5:30 Guest speaker: Robert Bjork 6:30 SkyViews - Poster Session II; hospitality hour 8:00 SkyViews - Conference dinner Avci, Butler, Carlson, Childers, Craig, Girotto, Fontes, Manzano, Kohn, Pitts, Sappington
Saturday, October 21
8:30-10:30 Coffee and soft drinks available 9:00 - 10:15 Paper Session III (Moderator: Matt Hayes) 9:00 Kimball 9:25 Maki 9:50 Watkins 10:15 Break 10:30 - 12:00 Guest speaker: Elizabeth Ligon Bjork 12:00 Lunch buffet 1:00 - 1:30 Business meeting and transfer of the mascot
Long program
Invited Paper: Friday, October 20, 4:00-5:30 Robert A. Bjork (UCLA). Interpreting, Misinterpreting, and Educating Subjective Experience. Moderator: William S. Maki, Texas Tech University
Invited Paper: Saturday, October 21, 10:30-12:00 Elizabeth Ligon Bjork (UCLA). Experiencing the Outcome of Differential Encoding Strategies: Can It Help to Make a Better Reader? Moderator: Ruth H. Maki, Texas Tech University
Paper Session I: Friday, October 20, 9:15-12:00 Moderators: Diana Hudson & Sara Girotto, Texas Tech University
James R. Pomerantz & Mary C. Portillo (Rice University). Basic Gestalts: The Four Most Fundamental Emergent Features in Vision
Steven M. Smith (Texas A&M University). Context Dependence and Memory Recovery
Benton H. Pierce (Texas A&M University-Commerce), David A. Gallo (University of Chicago), & Daniel L. Schacter (Harvard University). Divided Retrieval-Monitoring Processes in Younger and Older Adults
David S. Gorfein (University of Texas at Arlington). Johnny Can't (Proof)Read Either- On norming homophones.
Wendy S. Francis, Gabriela Durán, Sabrina Gallard, Genoveva Luévano, & Jose C. Arzate (University of Texas at El Paso). Processes Contributing to Repetition Priming in Bilingual Word Translation.
Jeff T. Larsen (Texas Tech University), A. Peter McGraw (University of Colorado), & L. Elizabeth Crawford (Richmond University). Eyes on the Prize: Attentional Allocation to Gamble Outcomes
Paper Session II: Friday, October 20, 1:20-3:00 Moderator: Erin Buchanan, Texas Tech University
Scott Gronlund (University of Oklahoma), Curt Carlson (University of Oklahoma), & Steve Clark (University of California, Riverside). Lineup Composition and the Sequential Lineup Advantage.
Sowon Hahn, Edward Nguyen, Tim Lorat, & Andrew Jeon (University of Oklahoma). Visual Search for Facial Expressions.
James C. Bartlett, A. R. Halpern, & J. Birchfield (University of Texas at Dallas). Familiarity and Episodic Recognition for Faces and Melodies.
Paula Hertel (Trinity University). Memory Bias in Social Phobia.
Paper Session III: Saturday, October 21, 9:00-10:15 Moderator: Matt Hayes, Texas Tech University
Daniel R. Kimball, Troy A. Smith (University of Texas at Arlington), & Michael J. Kahana (University of Pennsylvania). Conjunctive Semantic Retrieval in an Associative Model of False Memory.
William S. Maki (Texas Tech University). Cue validity and attention in judgments of associative memory.
Daniel Glaser & Michael Watkins (Rice University). (Presented by Michael Watkins.) Foraging words: Generating words from one and two semantic categories.
Poster Session I: Friday, October 20, 3:00-4:00
Joshua Arduengo & Ruth H. Maki (Texas Tech University). Individual Differences in Prospective Memory: Can Personality Predict Performance?
R. Jason Brunt & Leslie B. Cohen (University of Texas). Novelty and Labeling Influences on Infant Looking Behavior in a Categorization Task.
Erin Buchanan & M. Kathryn Bleckley (Texas Tech University). Attention Switching: What's in the Middle?
Sarah B. Dailey & Scott D. Gronlund (University of Oklahoma). Application of the Perturbation Model in a Face Space Framework.
Allison Hollingsworth & M. Kathryn Bleckley (Texas Tech University). Observers: Not so Ideal. Working Memory as a Predictor of Error Type in Signal Detection.
Sahar Nadeem & Brian Stankiewicz (University of Texas at Austin). Measuring the Channel Capacity of the Cognitive Map.
Roman Taraban & Amy Pietan (Texas Tech University). Analyzing Discourse Functions in Research Reports in Order to Understand Students’ Skill Development
Trent Terrell & Charles Weaver (Baylor University). The Effects of Misinformation on Product Identification
Shu Wang & Michael Watkins (Rice University). Can Unidentified Words Prime?
Arne Weigold (Texas Tech University) & Dirk Wentura (Saarland University, Germany). The suspect effect in lineups, further examinations.
Poster Session II: Friday, October 20, 6:30-7:45
Gunes Avci & Michael Watkins (Rice University). Foraging Words in Episodic and Semantic Memory.
Karin Butler, Paul M. Guinther, Kristin S. Sitton (University of New Mexico), & Carrick C. Williams (Mississippi State University). The Relationship between Working Memory Capacity and Long-term Object Memory.
Curt A. Carlson & Scott D. Gronlund (University of Oklahoma). Distinctive Faces and Eyewitness Accuracy: Simultaneous versus Sequential Lineups.
Jane Childers (Trinity University). Korean- and English-speaking Children Use Comparison in Verb Learning.
Curtis Craig & Ruth Maki (Texas Tech University). Effects of Familiarity and Cues on Spatial Monitoring in Narratives.
Lisa Geraci & Isabel Manzano (Texas A&M University). Does Salience Mediate the Isolation Effect in Memory?
Sara Girotto, Francis T. Durso, & M. Kathryn Bleckley (Texas Tech University). What Happened to Males? Gender Differences in Mental Rotation.
Nicholas Kohn & Steven M. Smith (Texas A&M University). Delayed Recovery of Blocked Memories.
Jane Pitts & Brian Stankiewicz (University of Texas at Austin). Remembering How You Got Here: The Role of Path Memory and Landmarks During Localization.
Randy E. Sappington & Heather Bortfeld (Texas A&M University). Discourse Priming In Conceptual Combination.
Ana I. Schwartz & Ana B. Aręas da luz Fontes (University of Texas at El Paso). Bilingual Lexical Activation: What Exactly Becomes Active? Acknowledgments
Bill Maki was the conference organizer and was responsible for the program.
Ruth Maki, assisted by Allison Hollingsworth, managed registration.
Funding for ARMADILLO 2006 was provided by Office of the Provost and the Department of Psychology, Texas Tech University. We are particularly grateful to Drs. Jim Brink (Vice Provost) and David Rudd (Chair, Department of Psychology).
We thank Kay Hill for her administrative support. |
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